What should I expect?
Besides the best workout of your life? Expect to sweat, meet great people, and have some fun while doing it.
What do I need to bring?
Athletic attire and yourself, we’ll take care of the rest!
Do I need to get "in shape" before I come to bootcamp?
Besides the obvious "the whole reason EVERYONE comes to the studio is to get in shape and it would be silly to get in shape before getting in shape", the short answer is... NO. Our classes are designed to be modifiable to people of all fitness levels, so no matter where you are on the fitness spectrum, from elite athlete to workout newbie, you can always have a GREAT workout.
Are you going to yell at me?
Although it may be called bootcamp, there is nothing militant about our program. However, we may get excited from time to time and yell a little bit, but it will always be positive things like "GOOD JOB" or "NICE WORK." Besides, we have microphones, so there's no need to shout.
Do you heat the room?
NO! Our NAME may be HEAT, but that definitely does NOT mean that we heat our bootcamps. While we do want you to get a good sweat going, we want it to be from the workout, not because it's 92 degrees in the room, so we make sure to keep the air conditioners cranking to right about 67 degrees at all times.
Anything we didn’t cover here?
Shoot us an email at info@heatbootcamp and we’re happy to help!
Class Schedule & The Waitlist
Scheduling opens up for the following 7 days on Sunday at 9AM
If you find yourself on a waitlist, please note the following:
Our system automatically transfers waitlisters to the class rosters up to 4 hours before the start of camp, in which you will be notified via email. After the 4 hour mark if a spot becomes, available we will call or text those on the waitlist.
If you no longer feel like waiting, please remove yourself from the waitlist.
Our M-F 6 & 7AM classes will not push you from you the waitlist beginning at 10PM the night prior.
Late Cancel Fee ($5) & No Show Fee ($10)
Classes must be canceled 4 hours prior to the start of camp. Classes canceled outside of the 4 hour window will receive an automatic fee of $5.
If you no show a camp, you will automatically be charged a $10 fee.
Note: We hate these charges as much as you, but they are required to make sure there are spots open for other members who may be on a waitlist.
Pausing Your Membership
Membership pauses are considered for medical conditions or extensive travel and must be requested via our online request form. Memberships can be paused for a minimum of 1 month and maximum of 3 months in a calendar year for $20/month.
Canceling Your Membership
If you need to cancel your membership, submit this online request form at least 5 days before the billing date.
Cancellations will not be accepted over the phone or in person. We must have it in writing.
If you cancel your membership and join the HEAT fam at a later date, you will have to do so at the current rate and cannot return to your original rate if it has changed.
Month to Month with No Commitment
This is a recurring month-to-month membership of unlimited bootcamps for $189/4 weeks. Membership fee will be auto-drafted each cycle beginning on the purchase date.
12 Week or 1 Year Commitments
These are a recurring membership for 12 weeks or 1 year of bootcamps. Membership fee will be auto-drafted every 4 weeks beginning on the purchase date. The 12 weeks or 1 year commitment can only be canceled prior to the final payment interval for a fee of one (1) month the current commitment rate. Upon completion of the initial 12 week or 1 year contract length, the contract will renew for another 12 weeks or 1 year, unless canceled or switched to a no commitment option.
*Trial Offer* 14 Days for $49
This is a one time purchase for 14 consecutive days of unlimited bootcamps. Trial offer will not activate until the date of your first registered class. Upon completion of 14 days, the trial will end and no further charges will be assessed. Trial offer is non-refundable.