Achieving optimal health involves more than just focusing on physical activity—it requires a holistic approach to your health. Our Nutrition & Health Coaching program is designed to bridge this gap, ensuring that you not only reach but exceed your goals and feel your best!

Our program is personalized to each individual to ensure optimal results and integrates four pillars of health; nutrition, movement, mindset and sleep. Our certified health coach will provide comprehensive support, addressing all aspects of your well-being to ensure the development of sustainable & healthy habits. 

Kickstart your journey to improved well-being with our Free Nutrition & Health Strategy Session.  This 30-minute health consultation is designed to provide you with a comprehensive overview of your health and set you on the path to achieving your wellness goals.


Nutrition & Health Services

1:1 Coaching Program — 3 Months

Our program is crafted to empower you to reach your health and wellness goals with personalized guidance and unwavering support. Jenn integrates holistic lifestyle changes to help you build a balanced life and achieve sustainable, long-term results.

What’s Included: 

  • Initial Health Consultation: Comprehensive health assessment and goal-setting session.  Evaluation of current dietary patterns, including typical meals and snacks, nutrient intake, food choices, and eating habits.

  • Bi- Weekly Coaching Sessions: One-on-one meetings to track progress, adjust plans, and provide ongoing support.  Option for in-person or virtual sessions.

  • Next Level Accountability: Daily goals in your app so you can stay on track no matter where you are.

  • Health & Wellness Library: Weekly content on essential wellness topics, including nutrition, movement, mindset, and sleep, to enhance your understanding and application of healthy habits.

  • Eat Well Toolkit: Meal plan guidance, quick & easy recipes, healthy choice grocery guide and recommended brands so you can take out the guesswork and learn to properly nourish your body. 

  • Personalized Movement Plan: We’ll create a dynamic plan in tandem with your HEAT routine designed specifically for your lifestyle, preferences, and fitness level that will keep you motivated and on track.  

  • Mindset Tools: Explore the power of positive mindset and mindful eating to overcome mental barriers, stay focused, and manage stress. 

  • Unlimited Messaging Support: Direct access to your coach for questions, motivation, and accountability.

Holistic Health Pantry Makeover: $200
$100 for Coaching ClientS

This in-home session is designed to educate and empower you to make healthier food choices effortlessly. Jenn will guide you through your pantry, offering nutritious alternatives that fit seamlessly into your lifestyle.  Learn how to read labels, make smarter food choices, and create a kitchen environment that supports your health goals. This hands-on experience is designed to make healthy eating easier and more accessible.

Holistic Health Grocery Shopping Tour: $200
$100 for Coaching Clients

Take the guesswork out of healthy eating and learn to navigate the grocery store with confidence and clarity!  This 90-minute guided tour is crafted to educate and empower you to make nutritious choices effortlessly, turning your grocery trips into a breeze. Led by Jenn, you’ll learn how to create a shopping plan and fill your home with wholesome foods that support your wellness goals.

About Jenn:

Before becoming a holistic health practitioner, I spent many years climbing the corporate ladder in New York City, burning the candle at both ends. At the start of my career, I was far from the picture of health. My days were long, my diet consisted mainly of takeout, I never missed a happy hour, I smoked cigarettes, my workouts were sporadic, my sleep was inconsistent, and my stress levels were high.

I understand how challenging it can be to prioritize personal health with a packed schedule. My habits didn’t change overnight. Gradually, I swapped cigarettes for running shoes and began preparing my own meals. I shared my journey with friends and colleagues, turning some of those happy hours into workout sessions. I started going to bed earlier and waking up earlier. As a result, I had more energy, felt less bloated, slept better, and experienced lower stress levels.

I continued to build on my health while striving to find balance in my career. Sometimes I succeeded, and other times, it was a struggle. My final years in the corporate world were particularly challenging, both personally and professionally, culminating in the summer of 2021 when I was laid off. Rather than feeling sadness or fear, I felt a profound sense of relief. I knew that change was necessary, though I wasn’t sure what that change would be. I spent the next few weeks in self-reflection, googling terms like “new careers at 40” and “how long can I live in Mexico without a visa.”

Eventually, I realized it was time to pursue my passion for health and fitness full-time. Things moved quickly: I enrolled in an Integrative Health Coaching Program and relocated to Austin. I immersed myself in my studies and began coaching friends, family, and former colleagues on creating sustainable habits in nutrition, movement, mindset, and sleep. While I was finding my stride in holistic health coaching, I wanted to offer my clients even more guidance with movement. My next step was Bali, where I completed my 200-hour yoga certification. Living in Southeast Asia for three months opened my eyes to a new way of life and reinforced what I learned in my integrative health coaching program: to live a balanced life, we must seek balance in mind, body, and spirit.

My coaching philosophy centers around creating balance and is built on honesty, empathy, and unwavering support. Together, we’ll explore your past successes and challenges to create a personalized holistic wellness plan that fits your life. We’ll set actionable goals to help you form sustainable habits, and you’ll learn mindfulness practices, including breathing techniques, meditation, and mindful eating, to develop awareness of your emotions and reactions, fostering lasting change. I offer unlimited accountability and support throughout our time together to help you stay motivated and achieve your goals.

Outside of coaching, I love staying active and spending time with friends and family. Yoga, hiking, trail walks, coffee dates, trying new restaurants, and enjoying theater shows are all favorites of mine. I also value quieter moments at home to recharge.

- Integrative Nutrition Health Coach Certification
- RYT 200 Hour Yoga Certification 
- Yoga Sculpt

Jenn’s: Website & Instagram