Happy Friday HEAT family! The month of May is here, and we've all been gearing up for the Summer. Well what better motivation to stick with the hard work than an amazing results story!
HEAT family, meet Kevin. Kevin has been doing his thang at HEAT for over 3 1/2 years! He's found great success over the last year. Taking advantage of both camps and nutrition consulting, Kevin has found a routine that works well for him. We'll just go ahead and let him tell you about it...
"I joined Heat Bootcamp about 3-1/2 years ago shortly after my wife and I moved to Austin. At first, I would come to camps 1-2 times per week. As I got to know some of the trainers and the different workouts, I increased the number of workouts to around 3 camps per week. I continued to come to camps at least 3 times per week but I was not losing weight.
Heat was offering a special at the beginning of last year that included a nutrition consultation and a couple of personal training secessions so I signed up. I met with Sarah one Saturday morning after a workout to talk about nutrition and my diet. I had kept a food log over the last month so we were able to review what I was eating on an average day. Sarah recommended that in addition to tracking calories, I should try to keep track of the fat, protein, and carb intake as well. My goal was to eat around 2,000 calories divided into 30% fat, 30% protein, and 40% carbs. I kept eating the proportions as we discussed and I started to lose some weight.
I kept tracking the food that I ate and tried to keep the 30/30/40 nutrient ratio. I did not restrict what I ate as long as I kept the proportions. If I knew that I would have a couple of beers or glasses of wine with dinner, I made sure not to eat a lot of carbs for breakfast or lunch.
I kept up with eating my daily meals in the same fat/protein/carb proportions over the summer and my weight went from around 260 pounds in February to almost 220 pounds in November. In July, Sarah checked my body fat percentage and it was around 24%. She checked it again in December and it was down to 19.5%. I've kept my weight in the 220's over the last 9 months, losing at total of 40 pounds!"
Kevin, your results are a motivation for ALL of us here at HEAT. Thanks for sharing them with us!